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State of Michigan Bankruptcy Exemptions

600.5451 Bankruptcy; exemptions from property of estate; exception; exempt property sold, damaged, destroyed, or acquired for public use; amounts adjusted.

Michigan Bankruptcy Chaper 7 & 13 facts and requirements.

Michigan residents who find themselves overwhelmed with debt can seek relief under the federal bankruptcy laws. There are two common.

Questions, answers about Detroit’s bankruptcy

DETROIT (AP) — The city of Detroit said Monday it needs more time to wrap up critical deals with creditors.

Can bankrupt homeowners void their second mortgage?

WASHINGTON (AP) – Nov. 17, 2014 – The Supreme Court said Monday it will decide whether homeowners who declare bankruptcy.

Had a foreclosure or short sale? There may be mistakes on your credit report

If you have had a foreclosure or short sale you need to have your credit run by a lender before.

How long after filing bankrupt can you try to get a mortgage?

After your chapter 7 bankruptcy has been fully discharged by the court you can apply for a FHA loan after.

Myths and Facts about Bankruptcy

 Myths and Facts about filing Bankruptcy in Michigan. For people filing for Bankruptcy in Michigan, or any other place in.

Detroit bankruptcy: 20 reasons why you shoud care about today’s potential history-making ruling

DETROIT, MI — It’s easy to lose track of all the numbers, facts and figures that have been made public.

Prevent Foreclosure in Michigan. Restructuring Your Mortgage and Other Debts

Many times people fall into foreclosure because of an increased mortgage payment that they cannot afford or  issues elsewhere in.

Foreclosure Law in Michigan

Foreclosure Law in Michigan The foreclosure sale is often referred to as a “Sheriff’s Sale.” People are often concerned that.